CCPA page

CCPA page

This is one of many attempts to comply with opaque legislation. This page has been created because, despite everything, we also try to comply with confusing and nonsensical laws. Furthermore, we don't want some dickhead to complain about us to the Intellectual Property Commissioner if some mysterious article is not followed.

We're not quite sure if this page works yet, let us know if it doesn't.

Change of information

You can use the link below to view and change what information we have about you.

Data availability

The following links allow you to store and access information we hold about you.

Access to personal data

From the link below you can request a report of all the information we hold about you.

The right to be forgotten

Use this if you want us to delete all the information we have about you. Please note that this will also delete your order history, for example, which makes it more difficult to manage warranty issues.