Shipping policy

Valco ships orders worldwide, including some rather quirky places. However, we do not ship to Russia or other countries we do not deem good. There aren’t many such countries, and you generally can’t even order to such places. If you happen to live in one of these countries, we have nothing against you personally.

Products in stock are aimed to be shipped immediately or by the next day at the latest. Unless we are somehow prevented (hangover, hospital stay, Pattaya, etc.). The average delivery time to Finland has been 2-3 days, including the mailman's pedaling. We don’t know exactly how long it takes to deliver a package to your cabin on Moruroa Atoll. If the delivery takes longer than three weeks, please contact us. If the product is not in stock, it is clearly stated.

We deliver shipments depending on the size of the order and product as a package or letter. Note that you cannot track a letter with a tracking number. Products are shipped by the best possible option per country, such as UPS, DHL, or trained pigeons.

You will receive a shipment confirmation email once your order has been shipped, which contains your tracking number. The tracking number will be active within 24 hours. So if you can’t wait, take a walk in the meantime! Also, check your spam folder for overzealous filters.

Valco is not responsible for any customs duties or taxes that apply to your order. All fees imposed during or after shipping are the customer's responsibility (tariffs, taxes). So if the greedy state wants its cut, that’s your problem.

Valco is not fundamentally responsible for products that are damaged or lost during shipping. If you receive your order damaged, please contact the shipment carrier to file a claim. Save all packaging materials and damaged goods before filing a claim.

We will, of course, do our best to help you get the product you ordered in use. However, please note that our customer service minions are rather simple beings and incapable of performing miracles.