Data protection

This page contains a so-called plain-language privacy policy. If you would like to read it in more detail, please read the attached PDF file. It contains the bureaucratic language version of the text.

Note! In case of any discrepancies, the information in the PDF version will prevail.

Download the PDF version of the privacy notice here.

The controller of the personal data is:

Valco Oy (Business ID: 2919697-5)
Kirvestie 9a
33710 Tampere

For more information on data protection and processing of personal data, please contact us by e-mail:

info [at]

Through this GDPR page you can view and delete the data we have stored:

1. Collecting data

We collect anonymous statistical data when you visit our website.

When you make a purchase or register as a customer, we presumably receive additional information. The information we collect when you place an order includes your name, email address, phone number and address. This information is quite essential for us to be able to deliver your order.

We do not directly receive your payment information, it goes through the payment processor of your choice. For more information on the collection and storage of payment data, please refer to the cutomer service of the payment processor of your choice.

2. Data usage

The information we collect from you is used to deliver orders, to follow transaction analytics and to contact you by phone or email if necessary. Contacting you may have something to do withto your relationship with us or it may be soem other bothering by Valco.

3. Removal of data
As a customer, you have the right to know what information we hold about you and to request the rectification or erasure of personal data concerning you.

You can ask us at any time to delete any information about you from the shop. Please email us at and you will be removed.

4. 3rd party data handling

We do not sell, trade or otherwise transfer your identifiable information to third parties, excluding trusted third parties who assist us in maintaining our site or conducting our business, but even these parties must keep your information confidential.

This means that your information will not be leaked to advertisers or other non-public parties and will only be used for Valco's purposes. The information that goes to Google and Facebook is what we can then use in our own tools (which they provide).

With your consent, we will pass the information on to the following third parties:

  • Analytics and statistics services (Facebook, Google analytics, Shopify)
  • Analytics (Facebook, Google, TikTok, Adroll).
  • MailChimp for newsletter purposes, if the customer has given his/her explicit consent
  • To our warehouse partner and the postal service for the delivery of packages
  • To the payment intermediary in connection with the payment transaction
  • To the credit issuer, if the customer chooses to pay by invoice or installment
5. Data protection

The data you send us will be stored in a properly encrypted form on Shopify servers. For more information on Shopify's GDPR practices and data protection, please contact here.

6. Use of cookies

There are some mandatory cookies on the website, which are used to keep certain things in our servers' memory such as shopping cart and other similar necessary data.

In addition to the mandatory ones, visitor data is tracked using Google Analytics. Facebook also keeps track of your visits. This visitor data can be used to target advertising. This is exactly the same data that every damn website collects about you when you surf the world.

You can choose to remove cookies from your browser or refuse to have them installed in the first place. Without deleting them, they will remain there for about 15 min - 24 months.

Technically, we don't even collect that tracking and advertising data, Google and Facebook do. You can read their terms of use via the following links:


and here.


7. Consent

By using the site (and by accepting the button on the page), you agree to the Privacy Policy, data collection, etc.

8. Shortcomings or additional information

If you notice any material deficiencies in this long bureaucratic bureaucracy required by law, please contact us so that we can improve our service, including our privacy practices - our email address is