It’s not just us who think they’re great

Customer reviews here

Been really enjoying using my Valco noise cancelling headphones on the road. They've become my daily driver for listening to music.

— Teemu Mäntysaari, Megadeth

These things sound absolutely FANTASTIC, and the active noise cancelling is a godsend whenever we grow sick of listening each other backstage.

— Battle Beast

We loved Valco headphones so much that we wanted them to craft a custom model for our 40th anniversary. The sound quality and comfort are truly top-notch. Valco headphones are a must-have for any music lover.

— D-A-D

I have mixed with Valco on the road, and I have to love the quality and how the headphones revealed that my recording space has quite a bit of "room." Highly recommended for both audiophiles and sound professionals.

— Reino Nordin, singer-songwriter

I play by ear, listen with tangled ears.

— Kari Tykkyläinen, the man who never gives up

Valco's noise-canceling headphones are awesome. You can fully concentrate on training and work. The headphones block out the noise. I recommend 👍

— Milja Thureson, sprinter

- Hello! Can you hear me?

- Loud and clear!

— Juha Torvinen, musician, jack-of-all-trades. Eppu Normaali

I take music, its performance, and creation extremely seriously. I don’t know if I approach anything else with such great passion. Probably not. And that’s why it’s crucial that when listening to music, one isn’t distracted by trivialities but can enjoy the perfect sound image. Valco, the answer to your question of where to get such a sound image for your ears!

— Tero Vesterinen, musician

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We plant a tree for every pair of headphones sold

Valco wants to look like the good guys and sell lots of headphones. Since everyone else is doing this nowadays, we also decided to launch our own environmental campaign. Of course, it's greenwashing  when a company plants trees. Why beat around the bush? Let's be honest.

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Trade in your old ones!

Trade in your old ones! We decided to become pioneers of the circular economy and, as the only company in the world, we take old VMK20 headphones in exchange for new ones.

You get 50 euros off new VMK25 headphones for repairable VMK20s!

Contact Valco customer service if you want to trade in your old headphones.

Read more here

What the media says

Teppo Hirvikunnas, AVPlus

“The sound of the wireless Valco VMK20 noise-canceling headphones is clear and detailed. The bass is also well-reproduced. The VMK20s are good headphones, and overall they are among the best in their price range.”

Tim Hundenborn,

“The Valco VMK20 shows with controlled bass and almost overly detailed sound how much you can get out of headphones for a small amount of money. Noise cancellation and build quality are good, and the promised up to 45 hours of battery life is unmatched. A simple fun-maker with an impressive price-performance ratio.”

Harri Slip, Tekniikan Maailma

“The Valco VMK20 and Urbanista Miami were reviewed on the same basis and emphasis as the previous Valco Valcoitus Bass in a three-headphone comparison in issue TM 4/2020. Valco’s performance improved significantly, and Urbanista achieved the same score as our comparison model Philips PH805.”

(In the 4/20 comparison, Sony scored 8.3 points and Valco 8.3, Philips got 8.0. On the retest, Valco scored 8.7 / 10)

Jan Bruhnke, Headphonecheck

"The Valco are certainly not an ultra-bargain in terms of price, but they offer a perfect overall package of secure Bluetooth connection, very good battery performance, top ANC functionality and warm, well-tuned hi-fi sound."

Michael Schulz,

"I never thought I’d say this, but my previous Beyerdynamic Aventho Wireless headphones have been retired early. The Valco headphones totally convinced me."


"Personally, I can’t find anything to complain about and I think they’re a bit better than my Bose QC 35s. Valco has nailed it by offering quality headphones at half the price of competitors."

Simon Lüthje, Basic Tutorials

"Fresh and cheeky ANC over-ear headphones that score with strong sound and high wearing comfort."

Score: 90/100

Lasse Svendsen, LB Tech Reviews

"For Valco VMK20 are really a pair of good, wireless headphones. With well-functioning noise reduction. Best of all, they sound better than expected, and are in our opinion the most well-sounding among the cheaper noise-canceling headphones."

"The Valco VMK20 headphones are impressive primarily because of their sound quality – I have not yet heard better noise-cancelling headphones."

"The VMK25 is not the most versatile noise-cancelling headphone on the market in terms of features. However, for those who appreciate ease of use, durability, and good sound quality, it is the perfect choice."

Four good reasons to buy from us

...and one more thing

Valco Oy is not a faceless website. We have company IDs and the names and photos of the owners clearly visible on our website. We are real people who enjoy the little things in life.

The money you give us honestly goes to beer, child support, big gold watches, and sports cars. The rest we use for the Death Star.

Unlike our competitors like [Big Asian Conglomerate], [World’s Largest American Corporation], and [Big German Microphone Factory owned by a Swiss Holding Company], Valco's entrepreneurs are reachable and can even go out for a beer with you.

Try that with [Megacorporation].

At Valco Oy, we are proud to be real people with real faces who genuinely care about our customers. Join us and feel the difference!

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